Conservation Ethos - Vedic Culture
States that lack conservation ethos are certainly addicted to food which many of us will abhor and consider it bizarre and atrocious. In India we have been lucky in that the ancient Vedic Culture that still prevails among us had accorded sanctity to innumerable life forms and natural elements that play a crucial role in preserving the equilibrium of the environment that sustains life on a Earth.
States that lack conservation ethos are certainly addicted to food which many of us will abhor and consider it bizarre and atrocious. In India we have been lucky in that the ancient Vedic Culture that still prevails among us had accorded sanctity to innumerable life forms and natural elements that play a crucial role in preserving the equilibrium of the environment that sustains life on a Earth.
Rivers, trees, animals, birds are accorded sanctity status in Hindu Pantheon as well, hence the preservation of our wilderness is still impressive in spite of the global race for rabid development and rising demand for exotic life form derivatives. This concept of nature worship which many find irrational and illogical would now seem to make sense to them after this disease outbreak.
Nature Worship
Nature Worship
Hope nature worship now becomes acceptable globally or at least accorded due is just according equity to important life forms and natural elements. Hope it does brings forth a realization for we do not survive in isolation like in case of an ecosystem. It is not necessary to attain nirvana, at least by respecting other life forms we will sustain ourselves for eternity.
The Earth is a supreme ecosystem and a web of life in which all life forms and natural elements are closely interlinked and a break would be disastrous. The global warming is creating havoc among us and still we fail to realize. Sustainable practices are need of the hour.
We have already experienced Ebola Virus, SARs, Avian Influenza and so many others... The Coronavirus is the latest threat, and it will be quite some time before we are able to tackle this pandemic effectively. Many of these disease causing pathogens are here to stay and we have to learn to avoid and tackle them whenever they strike for some a vaccine will be as good a cure.
Consuming wild animals, birds and insects poses a greater threat of infection by pathogens that we have difficulty in overcoming. In short our immunity system is not strong enough to face foreign microorganism that prevail within our systems especially in case of consumption of life forms which we do not consume on regular basis.
We have already experienced Ebola Virus, SARs, Avian Influenza and so many others... The Coronavirus is the latest threat, and it will be quite some time before we are able to tackle this pandemic effectively. Many of these disease causing pathogens are here to stay and we have to learn to avoid and tackle them whenever they strike for some a vaccine will be as good a cure.
Consuming wild animals, birds and insects poses a greater threat of infection by pathogens that we have difficulty in overcoming. In short our immunity system is not strong enough to face foreign microorganism that prevail within our systems especially in case of consumption of life forms which we do not consume on regular basis.
But this is less so of vegetable matters however distant from our daily diets, nevertheless they too can prove poisonous and could carry pathogens that can be a threat to life. However little evidence prevails regarding this hence no need to conjecture about exotic floral elements. This is a proven fact and not vegan chauvinism.
The Chinese System of Medicine (TCM) is based more on animal products unfortunately comprising of our wild brethren. The rampant consumption has posed a severe threat to many species and they are on the verge of extinction, the tiger is one of them and so are the pangolins for example.
It is not just the TCM in which exotic life forms are consumed...they are consumed in many countries but to a lesser extent. These practices are based on chimerical effect of animals parts on health and vigour. But the malady continues in most part of the World. It is not only this, in some countries wild animal parts are considered as delicacies and consuming is a status symbol among the rich.
Fortunately Ayurveda is based more on herbal products and natural elements in form of minerals. Though wild animals are consumed for food and medicine in our country too the practice is almost negligible. This is thanks to the Vedic Culture and the Wildlife Protection Act so wisely instituted to preserve nature as whole in India.
Our Diet
Our Diet
This calls for a more disciplined consumption of animal protein through livestock and total abstinence from wild animals, birds, reptiles and insects. Though vegetarianism seems to be the answer but it is not practical since animal protein is essential for our well being. And the prices of vegetable skyrocketing in developing countries could be real till sustainable production is achieved.
In India we consume animal protein in rational amounts, and balance our diet with vegetable matter to remain healthy. Now there are more and more advocates of this kind of diet where meat consumption is limited.
If human race has to survive long with health and wellness intact we need to rethink our pattern of consumption and this is imperative. Wild matter should be completely prohibited as our Wildlife Protection Act advocates. This will not only help in preserving our environment and also save us from apocalypse.
If human race has to survive long with health and wellness intact we need to rethink our pattern of consumption and this is imperative. Wild matter should be completely prohibited as our Wildlife Protection Act advocates. This will not only help in preserving our environment and also save us from apocalypse.